Riverside Dental

11 Signs You Might Need Root Canal Therapy

At Riverside Dental, we believe in keeping our patients informed about their dental health. Paying attention to early signs of dental issues can save you from discomfort and complex treatments down the line. One such procedure many people require at some point is root canal therapy. But when is it time to consider this treatment? Here are some clear signs indicating you might need root canal therapy.

1. Persistent Pain

Do you find that your tooth continues to hurt despite trying various remedies? Persistent toothache is one of the clearest indicators that you might require root canal therapy. Pain that doesn’t subside could be due to an infection inside the tooth, which needs attention. If the pain worsens when you bite down or apply pressure, it might mean the infection has reached the tooth’s nerves. It’s crucial to consult with our dentists at Riverside Dental as soon as possible if you’re experiencing continuous discomfort.

2. Sensitivity to Hot and Cold

Sensitivity in your teeth, especially to hot or cold substances, is another symptom to watch out for. If you notice a lingering or intense discomfort even after you’ve moved away from hot coffee or ice cream, it could mean your dental pulp is damaged. This is another scenario where root canal therapy might become necessary. Our team can assess the situation and determine if the sensitive pulp needs removal to prevent further damage.

3. Swollen Gums

Swelling around the gums of a painful tooth shouldn’t be ignored. This could be an indication of an infection that has spread. The swelling may be accompanied by small bumps or pimples, known as abscesses. These are filled with pus and are a sign that you’re likely in need of root canal therapy. If you notice any pus drainage or significant redness, schedule a visit with our team at Riverside Dental immediately.

4. Darkening of the Tooth

Intriguingly, a tooth changing color might signify that root canal therapy is necessary. When a tooth darkens—especially if it turns gray or black—it often indicates internal decay or damage. This discoloration results when the pulp inside the tooth has been extensively damaged and requires professional dental intervention. At Riverside Dental, we can evaluate the situation and recommend whether a root canal is the best solution.

5. Chipped or Cracked Tooth

Accidentally cracking or chipping a tooth is common, whether through a fall, sports injuries, or even biting down on a hard object. These incidents can expose the tooth’s nerves, leading to potential infections. If the crack reaches into the pulp of the tooth, root canal therapy may be required to prevent further complications. Addressing this with our dental professionals can prevent future pain and preserve your tooth.

6. Deep Decay

Sometimes, cavities or decay extend deep into the tooth without much external warning. This deep decay can reach the pulp, leading to infections that cause pain and swelling. If standard fillings cannot adequately restore the tooth, root canal therapy might be the recommended course of action. At Riverside Dental, we utilize our expertise to ensure any decay is managed before it escalates into a more significant issue.

7. Severe Toothache

While pain is a common sign that something is wrong, a severe toothache that disrupts daily activities should be addressed immediately. If the pain is throbbing, sharp, or debilitating, it could mean the nerves inside the tooth have been compromised. Root canal therapy might be necessary to alleviate this intense discomfort and restore functionality to the affected tooth. Visiting us ensures a thorough examination and the appropriate treatment plan.

root canal therapy near me

8. Prolonged Sensitivity Even After Treatment

If you’ve had a dental filling or crown placed, and the tooth remains sensitive weeks later, it might be more than just adjustment time. Prolonged sensitivity after treatment can indicate an issue with the affected tooth’s roots or the filling not adequately addressing underlying problems. At Riverside Dental, we can reevaluate your prior treatment and determine if root canal therapy is necessary to resolve the discomfort.

9. Recurring “Pimples” on the Gums

Noticeable pustules or bumps on the gum tissue that come and go are not typical. These recurring pimples can signify that an infection is draining from the root of the tooth. This drainage points to an underlying issue requiring attention, with root canal therapy often being the appropriate solution. Our dental experts at Riverside Dental can diagnose the problem to provide relief and prevent further complications.

10. Difficulty Biting or Chewing

If biting or chewing becomes increasingly difficult, especially if you’re experiencing pain or pressure in a specific area, it might be time to consider root canal therapy. This difficulty can occur when an infection has reached the structures supporting the tooth, affecting how it aligns during function. At Riverside Dental, we prioritize bringing ease back to your daily meals and snacks through targeted interventions.

11. Lingering Bad Breath

Persistently bad breath or a lingering bad taste in your mouth despite regular brushing and flossing can be a sign of an underlying dental issue, such as an infection that requires root canal therapy. These symptoms may occur when bacteria and decay are present inside the tooth, leading to the production of foul-smelling compounds. At Riverside Dental, we provide thorough assessments to identify the cause of persistent halitosis and recommend appropriate treatments to restore your oral health and confidence.

Schedule a Check-Up at Riverside Dental in Watertown, WI

Being proactive about dental health can prevent various issues from becoming major problems. Understanding the signs that you might need root canal therapy allows you to seek professional care before the condition worsens. At Riverside Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with comprehensive information and top-notch dental care, including managing potential dental infections through reliable root canal therapy.

Should you notice any of these signs, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our experienced team at Riverside Dental is here to ensure you receive the most effective treatment plan tailored to your needs. By taking action at the right time, we can help preserve your smile and keep you pain-free. Don’t wait for symptoms to escalate—schedule a consultation with us today by calling (920) 262-2176.

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